FastHedge Research. Grow Wealth. Effortlessly.
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For more research details, see Figs. 1-3.
Fig. 1 shows growth of $1K initial investment over 50 years (1973-2023), plotting SPX, IXIC, and FastHedge Model 1 (FH1), in Linear Scale. Other models rise even faster, so we switch to Log Scale.
Fig. 2 shows growth of $1K initial investment over 50 years (1973-2023), plotting SPX, IXIC, and six FastHedge models with a wide spread of performance vs drawdowns (fig. 3). Note that higher returns do come with slightly higher drawdowns, but our system very effectively limits these without curbing higher gains.
Fig. 3 shows the performance tabulated. We use standard metrics such as Annual Return (AnnR), Maximum Drawdown (MaxD), Total Gain, Sharpe Ratio, and an original measure called PARC. We define PARC = AnnR * (1 - MaxD). (More generally, PARC(a) = AnnR^a * (1-MaxD)^(1/a), a>0). By TotalGain, we mean a multiplier to the initial investment.
Our approach is based on a solid foundation described in our 2022-2024 peer-reviewed papers, paper1, paper2, paper3, paper4, that are quickly gaining interest. Investing in Nasdaq (IXIC) the past 50 years would have multiplied your money by 155X ($1K -> $155K). FastHedge blows that away, with 2712X ($1K -> $2.7M); see below.
Fig. 1. FastHedge Model 1 vs Buy-n-Hold of SP500 (SPX) and Nasdaq (IXIC), 1973-2023, in Linear Scale. $1K start.

Fig. 2. Six FastHedge Models vs Buy-n-Hold of SP500 (SPX) and Nasdaq (IXIC), 1973-2023, Log Scale. $1K start.

Fig. 3. Quantitative Analysis of results in Fig. 2. Performance measures include Annual Return, Maximum Drawdown, Total Gain, Sharpe Ratio, and an original measure called PARC.